27 Jun 2011

Hot weather

Makes you thirst for things and places like this.....


  1. Let's open a bar (I let you choose the right island), with Luc as associate, with good wines and champagnes. I am sure there is a place where they need expertise… !
    Ready ?

  2. That's the best idea I have heard for some time!

  3. Know the story of Batman in full flight looking down to the earth and spotting Wonder Woman sunbathing in the nude very much the same way as on the exhibit? He takes a rapid plunge, develops an erection meanwhile and ... ends up sodomizing the Invisible Man!
    Still want a Luke as “associĆ©?”, Olivier. I’d think twice, if I were you.

  4. Yes Luc, I did know this one but thank you for sharing it with other readers. I will not censor you (any more than I have censored "Anchois": see comments on my recent post on the singer Adele), but I am beginning to wonder if we should let you loose on our paradise island.

  5. Well Luc,
    This was a test for hiring tough characters - living on a island is never easy. I think you got the job ! Don't you agree David ?
    I would prefer a sunny place, wouldn't you ?

  6. As long as he doesn't ever dress up as Batman.

  7. Luc as a bat… Bet you can !

  8. Comes in 2 versions :
    Batty indeed or ... Yes, I’m bat!
